ALOS PRISM African Coverage ESA archive. More information can be found on this page.
List of available products (latitude from -33.1167 to -32.2611 dg, longitude from 18.8792 to 19.8875 dg)..
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4250 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:54.588Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:59.768Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.332 19.553 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN045554250 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4255 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:58.706Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:03.886Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.579 19.486 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN045554255 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4260 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:02.825Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:08.005Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.826 19.419 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN045554260 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4265 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:06.943Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:12.123Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.073 19.352 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN045554265 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4305 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:39.891Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:45.071Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.278 19.559 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB045554305 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4310 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:44.009Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:49.189Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.525 19.493 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB045554310 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4315 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:48.127Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:53.307Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.771 19.426 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB045554315 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4320 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:52.246Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:57.426Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.018 19.359 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB045554320 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4195 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:09.292Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:14.472Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.386 19.545 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF045554195 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4200 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:13.410Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:18.590Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.634 19.479 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF045554200 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4205 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:17.528Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:22.708Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.881 19.412 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF045554205 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4250 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:31.111Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:36.291Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.332 19.014 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744250 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4255 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:35.229Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:40.409Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.579 18.948 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744255 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4260 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:39.347Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:44.527Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.826 18.881 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744260 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4305 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:16.412Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:21.592Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.278 19.021 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744305 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4310 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:20.530Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:25.710Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.525 18.954 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744310 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4315 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:24.649Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:29.829Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.772 18.887 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744315 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4250 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:31.111Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:36.291Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.332 19.014 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744250 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4255 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:35.229Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:40.409Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.579 18.948 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744255 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4260 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:39.347Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:44.527Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.826 18.881 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744260 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4305 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:16.412Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:21.592Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.278 19.021 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744305 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4310 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:20.530Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:25.710Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.525 18.954 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744310 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4315 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:24.649Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:29.829Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.772 18.887 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744315 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4250 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:31.008Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:36.188Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.273 19.253 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN065684250 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4255 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:35.126Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:40.306Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.520 19.186 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN065684255 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4260 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:39.244Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:44.424Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.767 19.118 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN065684260 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4265 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:43.362Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:48.542Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.014 19.050 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN065684265 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4310 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:20.428Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:25.608Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.468 19.191 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB065684310 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4315 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:24.547Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:29.727Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.715 19.123 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB065684315 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4320 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:28.665Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:33.845Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.961 19.056 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB065684320 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4195 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:45.711Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:50.891Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.328 19.245 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF065684195 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4200 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:49.828Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:55.008Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.575 19.178 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF065684200 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4205 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:53.945Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:59.125Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.823 19.110 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF065684205 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4210 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:58.063Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:03.243Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.070 19.042 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF065684210 |