ALOS PRISM African Coverage ESA archive. More information can be found on this page.
List of available products (latitude from -33.1167 to -32.2611 dg, longitude from 17.8708 to 18.8792 dg)..
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4250 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:34.386Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:39.566Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.301 18.302 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 6 |
sceneId | PSMN050514250 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4255 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:38.504Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:43.684Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.548 18.235 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 4 |
sceneId | PSMN050514255 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4260 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:42.622Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:47.802Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.796 18.168 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMN050514260 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4265 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:46.740Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:51.920Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.043 18.100 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN050514265 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4310 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:23.805Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:28.985Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.496 18.241 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 4 |
sceneId | PSMB050514310 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4315 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:27.924Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:33.104Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.742 18.174 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMB050514315 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4320 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:32.043Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:37.223Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.989 18.106 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB050514320 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4195 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:54:49.089Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:54:54.269Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.356 18.295 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 6 |
sceneId | PSMF050514195 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4200 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:54:53.207Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:54:58.387Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.603 18.228 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 3 |
sceneId | PSMF050514200 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4205 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:54:57.324Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:02.504Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.851 18.160 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMF050514205 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4210 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:01.442Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:06.622Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.098 18.093 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF050514210 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4250 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:34.386Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:39.566Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.301 18.302 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 6 |
sceneId | PSMN050514250 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4255 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:38.504Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:43.684Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.548 18.235 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 4 |
sceneId | PSMN050514255 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4260 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:42.622Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:47.802Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.796 18.168 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMN050514260 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4265 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:46.740Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:51.920Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.043 18.100 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN050514265 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4310 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:23.805Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:28.985Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.496 18.241 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 4 |
sceneId | PSMB050514310 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4315 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:27.924Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:33.104Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.742 18.174 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMB050514315 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4320 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:32.043Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:56:37.223Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.989 18.106 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB050514320 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4195 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:54:49.089Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:54:54.269Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.356 18.295 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 6 |
sceneId | PSMF050514195 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4205 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:54:57.324Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:02.504Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.851 18.160 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMF050514205 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4200 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:54:53.207Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:54:58.387Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.603 18.228 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 3 |
sceneId | PSMF050514200 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 265 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4210 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:01.442Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-05T08:55:06.622Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5051 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.098 18.093 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF050514210 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4320 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:28.768Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:33.948Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.018 18.820 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMB054744320 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4265 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:43.465Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:48.645Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.073 18.814 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMN054744265 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4250 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:39.758Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:44.938Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.273 18.711 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN061454250 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4255 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:43.876Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:49.056Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.520 18.644 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMN061454255 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4260 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:47.994Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:53.174Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.767 18.576 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN061454260 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4265 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:52.112Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:57.292Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.014 18.508 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN061454265 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4310 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:29.179Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:34.359Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.468 18.649 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB061454310 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4315 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:33.298Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:38.478Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.715 18.582 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB061454315 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4320 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:37.417Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:42.597Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.961 18.514 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB061454320 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4250 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:39.758Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:44.938Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.273 18.711 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN061454250 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4255 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:43.876Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:49.056Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.520 18.644 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMN061454255 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4260 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:47.994Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:53.174Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.767 18.576 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN061454260 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4265 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:52.112Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:57.292Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -33.014 18.508 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN061454265 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4310 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:29.179Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:34.359Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.468 18.649 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB061454310 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4315 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:33.298Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:38.478Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.715 18.582 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB061454315 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4320 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:37.417Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:42.597Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.961 18.514 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB061454320 |