ALOS PRISM African Coverage ESA archive. More information can be found on this page.
List of available products (latitude from 16.7815 to 17.6778 dg, longitude from 23.3708 to 24.3792 dg)..
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3245 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:04:56.286Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:01.466Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.646 23.816 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 8 |
sceneId | PSMN044243245 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3255 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:04.506Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:09.686Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.149 23.703 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMN044243255 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3260 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:08.616Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:13.796Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 16.901 23.647 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMN044243260 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3190 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:04:11.082Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:04:16.262Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.637 23.828 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 8 |
sceneId | PSMF044243190 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3195 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:04:15.191Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:04:20.371Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.388 23.772 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 9 |
sceneId | PSMF044243195 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3200 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:04:19.301Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:04:24.481Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.140 23.715 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 9 |
sceneId | PSMF044243200 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3205 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:04:23.410Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:04:28.590Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 16.891 23.659 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 9 |
sceneId | PSMF044243205 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3250 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:00.396Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:05.576Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.398 23.760 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 9 |
sceneId | PSMN044243250 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3300 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:41.496Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:46.676Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.654 23.819 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 9 |
sceneId | PSMB044243300 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3305 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:45.606Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:50.786Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.405 23.763 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 9 |
sceneId | PSMB044243305 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3310 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:49.716Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:54.896Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.157 23.706 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMB044243310 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3315 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:53.826Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-11-23T09:05:59.006Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4424 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 16.908 23.650 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMB044243315 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3250 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:05:29.514Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:05:34.694Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5095 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.426 23.593 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 6 |
sceneId | PSMN050953250 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3255 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:05:33.624Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:05:38.804Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5095 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.177 23.537 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 9 |
sceneId | PSMN050953255 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3260 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:05:37.734Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:05:42.914Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5095 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 16.929 23.480 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMN050953260 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3190 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:04:40.201Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:04:45.381Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5095 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.664 23.661 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 7 |
sceneId | PSMF050953190 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3195 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:04:44.310Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:04:49.490Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5095 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.416 23.605 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 6 |
sceneId | PSMF050953195 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3200 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:04:48.419Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:04:53.599Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5095 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.167 23.548 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 9 |
sceneId | PSMF050953200 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3205 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:04:52.528Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:04:57.708Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5095 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 16.919 23.492 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 9 |
sceneId | PSMF050953205 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3245 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:05:25.405Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:05:30.585Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5095 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.674 23.649 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 7 |
sceneId | PSMN050953245 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3305 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:06:14.723Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:06:19.903Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5095 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.432 23.595 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 7 |
sceneId | PSMB050953305 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3310 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:06:18.833Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:06:24.013Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5095 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.184 23.539 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 9 |
sceneId | PSMB050953310 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 276 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3315 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:06:22.943Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-01-08T09:06:28.123Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5095 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 16.935 23.483 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMB050953315 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 275 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3205 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:02:37.285Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:02:42.465Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8873 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 16.946 23.905 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 9 |
sceneId | PSMF088733205 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 275 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3250 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:03:14.272Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:03:19.452Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8873 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.455 24.005 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMN088733250 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 275 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3255 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:03:18.382Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:03:23.562Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8873 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.206 23.949 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMN088733255 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 275 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3260 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:03:22.492Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:03:27.672Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8873 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 16.957 23.893 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMN088733260 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 275 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3305 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:03:59.481Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:04:04.661Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8873 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.462 24.007 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMB088733305 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 275 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3195 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:02:29.067Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:02:34.247Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8873 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.443 24.017 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMF088733195 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 275 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3200 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:02:33.176Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:02:38.356Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8873 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.195 23.961 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMF088733200 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 275 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3310 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:04:03.592Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:04:08.772Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8873 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 17.213 23.952 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMB088733310 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 275 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3315 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:04:07.702Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-24T09:04:12.882Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8873 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 16.964 23.896 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 10 |
sceneId | PSMB088733315 |