ALOS PRISM African Coverage ESA archive. More information can be found on this page.
List of available products (latitude from 12.5444 to 13.4407 dg, longitude from 29.8792 to 30.8875 dg)..
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3280 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:33:38.527Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:33:43.707Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8756 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.216 30.591 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF087563280 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3285 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:33:42.636Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:33:47.816Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8756 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.968 30.537 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF087563285 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3290 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:33:46.746Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:33:51.926Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8756 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.719 30.482 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF087563290 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3335 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:34:23.739Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:34:28.919Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8756 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.226 30.580 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN087563335 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3340 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:34:27.850Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:34:33.030Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8756 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.977 30.525 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN087563340 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3345 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:34:31.960Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:34:37.140Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8756 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.728 30.471 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN087563345 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3390 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:35:08.956Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:35:14.136Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8756 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.232 30.581 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB087563390 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3395 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:35:13.067Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:35:18.247Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8756 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.984 30.527 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB087563395 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3400 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:35:17.178Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-09-16T08:35:22.358Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 8756 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.735 30.473 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB087563400 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3280 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:35:41.299Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:35:46.479Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9004 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.216 30.054 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF090043280 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3285 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:35:45.409Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:35:50.589Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9004 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.967 29.999 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF090043285 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3340 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:36:30.623Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:36:35.803Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9004 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.977 29.988 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN090043340 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3335 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:36:26.512Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:36:31.692Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9004 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.226 30.043 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN090043335 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3390 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:37:11.730Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:37:16.910Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9004 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.232 30.044 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB090043390 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3395 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:37:15.841Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-10-03T08:37:21.021Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9004 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.983 29.990 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB090043395 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3275 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:35:17.809Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:35:22.989Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9675 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.412 30.371 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF096753275 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3280 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:35:21.919Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:35:27.099Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9675 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.163 30.316 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF096753280 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3285 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:35:26.029Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:35:31.209Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9675 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.914 30.261 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF096753285 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3335 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:36:07.129Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:36:12.309Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9675 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.171 30.304 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN096753335 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3330 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:36:03.019Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:36:08.199Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9675 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.420 30.359 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMN096753330 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3340 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:36:11.240Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-11-18T08:36:16.420Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 9675 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.922 30.250 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN096753340 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3345 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-10-05T08:34:55.426Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-10-05T08:35:00.606Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14372 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.727 29.945 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMN143723345 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3400 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-10-05T08:35:40.645Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-10-05T08:35:45.825Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14372 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.733 29.947 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMB143723400 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3290 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-10-05T08:34:10.213Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-10-05T08:34:15.393Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14372 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.717 29.956 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMF143723290 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3290 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:32:33.018Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:32:38.198Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14795 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.665 30.756 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF147953290 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3285 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:32:28.908Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:32:34.088Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14795 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.914 30.811 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF147953285 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3280 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:32:24.798Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:32:29.978Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14795 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.163 30.866 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMF147953280 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3340 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:33:14.119Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:33:19.299Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14795 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.921 30.800 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 1 |
sceneId | PSMN147953340 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3335 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:33:10.009Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:33:15.189Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14795 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.170 30.855 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 2 |
sceneId | PSMN147953335 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3345 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:33:18.230Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:33:23.410Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14795 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.672 30.745 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN147953345 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3390 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:33:55.224Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:34:00.404Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14795 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 13.178 30.857 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 5 |
sceneId | PSMB147953390 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3395 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:33:59.335Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:34:04.515Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14795 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.929 30.802 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 2 |
sceneId | PSMB147953395 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 261 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3400 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:34:03.446Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-03T08:34:08.626Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 14795 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.680 30.748 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB147953400 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3290 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-20T08:34:59.590Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-20T08:35:04.770Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 15043 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.664 30.220 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF150433290 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3345 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-20T08:35:44.803Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-20T08:35:49.983Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 15043 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.671 30.208 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN150433345 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 262 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 3400 |
beginAcquisition | 2008-11-20T08:36:30.021Z |
endAcquisition | 2008-11-20T08:36:35.201Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 15043 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | 12.679 30.210 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB150433400 |