ALOS PRISM African Coverage ESA archive. More information can be found on this page.
List of available products (latitude from -32.2611 to -31.4056 dg, longitude from 18.8792 to 19.8875 dg)..
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4235 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:42.235Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:47.415Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.590 19.751 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN045554235 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4240 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:46.353Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:51.533Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.837 19.685 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN045554240 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4245 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:50.470Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:55.650Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.084 19.619 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN045554245 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4290 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:27.535Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:32.715Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.538 19.757 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB045554290 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4295 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:31.654Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:36.834Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.784 19.692 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB045554295 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4300 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:35.772Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:51:40.952Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.031 19.626 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB045554300 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4180 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:49:56.939Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:02.119Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.643 19.744 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF045554180 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4185 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:01.057Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:06.237Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.891 19.678 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF045554185 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4190 |
beginAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:05.174Z |
endAcquisition | 2006-12-02T08:50:10.354Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 4555 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.139 19.612 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF045554190 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4235 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:18.756Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:23.936Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.590 19.212 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744235 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4240 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:22.875Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:28.055Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.838 19.147 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744240 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4245 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:26.993Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:32.173Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.085 19.081 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744245 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4290 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:04.056Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:09.236Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.538 19.218 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744290 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4295 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:08.174Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:13.354Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.785 19.153 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744295 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4300 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:12.293Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:17.473Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.031 19.087 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744300 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4235 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:18.756Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:23.936Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.590 19.212 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744235 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4240 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:22.875Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:28.055Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.838 19.147 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744240 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4245 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:26.993Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:53:32.173Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.085 19.080 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN054744245 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4290 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:04.056Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:09.236Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.538 19.218 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744290 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4295 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:08.174Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:13.354Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.785 19.153 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744295 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4300 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:12.293Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-02-03T08:54:17.473Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 5474 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.031 19.087 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB054744300 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4235 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:27.404Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:32.584Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.531 18.912 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN061454235 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4290 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:12.705Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:17.885Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.481 18.917 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB061454290 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4235 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:27.404Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:53:32.584Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.531 18.912 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN061454235 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 264 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4290 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:12.705Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-03-21T08:54:17.885Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6145 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.481 18.917 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB061454290 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4235 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:18.653Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:23.833Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.532 19.453 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN065684235 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4240 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:22.771Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:27.951Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.779 19.387 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN065684240 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4245 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:26.889Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:51:32.069Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.026 19.320 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMN065684245 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4295 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:08.072Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:13.252Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.728 19.392 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB065684295 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4300 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:12.191Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:17.371Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.975 19.325 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB065684300 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4305 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:16.309Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:21.489Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.222 19.258 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB065684305 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4180 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:33.358Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:38.538Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.585 19.446 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF065684180 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4185 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:37.476Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:42.656Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.832 19.379 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF065684185 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4190 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:41.593Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:50:46.773Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -32.080 19.312 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMF065684190 |
wrsLongitudeGrid | 263 |
wrsLatitudeGrid | 4290 |
beginAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:03.953Z |
endAcquisition | 2007-04-19T08:52:09.133Z |
productType | PSM_OB1_11 |
instrumentShortName | PRISM |
operationalMode | OB1 |
orbitNumber | 6568 |
orbitDirection | DESCENDING |
sceneCentre | -31.481 19.458 |
acquisitionStation | SGS |
cloudCoverPercentage | 0 |
sceneId | PSMB065684290 |